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Congratulations, Jennifer, to your MSc degree in Human Nutrition!!

Congratulations, Jennifer, to your MSc degree in Human Nutrition!!

Thank you for coming all the way from Taiwan to celebrating your graduation together in the Chan Center! Congratulations to your MSc thesis on Vitamin B-6 Status of Young and Older Adult Women in Metro Vancouver.  

Congratulations, Amy Tan, for being awarded a 2017 Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s Award!

Congratulations, Amy Tan, for being awarded a 2017 Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s Award!

Congratulations to Amy for securing a CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s Award! A recent UBC graduate, Amy plans to examine the effect of maternal vitamin B12 status on newborn outcomes, as well as to identify predictors of vitamin B12 status in pregnant women and their newborns in the Lower Mainland, BC.

Congratulations, Dr Schroder, to your PhD degree!

Congratulations, Dr Schroder, to your PhD degree!

From Konstanz to Hohenheim to Christchurch to Vancouver – an academic CV as some are dreaming off! Congratulations, Theresa, to your PhD thesis in Human Nutrition on Vitamin B-12 Status During Pregnancy and Infancy: Screening Tools and Assessment of Populations at Risk for Deficiency     SaveSave

Welcome to Amy McMahon!

Welcome to Amy McMahon!

In March 2017, Dr Amy McMahon joined us from Ulster University, UK, for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position. Welcome to the team, Amy!  

Welcome to Amy Tan and Larisse Melo!

Welcome to Amy Tan and Larisse Melo!

We welcomed two new team members in January 2017, Amy Tan and Larisse Melo!