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Congratulations, Clementine Ng, for receiving an NSERC Award!

Congratulations, Clementine Ng, for receiving an NSERC Award!

Congratulations to Clementine for securing an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award! Clementine will work under the guidance of Dr. Lamers, Dr. Singh, and Larisse Melo (MSc. Student) to develop an optimum encapsulation formula for vitamin B12, to be used in novel fortified foods.

Congratulations, Larisse Melo, for being awarded first place at the 2018 LFS Grad Conference!

Congratulations, Larisse Melo, for being awarded first place at the 2018 LFS Grad Conference!

Congratulations to Larisse for winning first place in the Oral Competition at the 2018 LFS Grad Conference! Larisse presented on Vitamin B12 Concentration in Breast Milk of Mothers in West Java, Indonesia.